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Free L2TP/IPsec Singapore

Create L2TP/IPsec SSTP Singapore 7 Days

Privacy & Security

Get your identity hidden online, your IP Address will be masked with our server IP. Also your connection will be encrypted.

Bypass Cencorship

Bypass your school, government or your office internet cencorship. Unblock any site and enjoy Internet Freedom.

Hide Online Identity

If you connect to our VPN or SSH server, then your public ip address will be hidden behind our VPN server IP address.

Unmetered Bandwidth

Our VPS server has unlimited inbound outbound bandwidth for your bigger internet connection needs.

Free L2TP/IPsec Singapore 230

Server VPN L2TP/IPsec Singapore 230

L2TP/IPsec Account Singapore 230 7 Days

Create L2TP/IPsec VPN 7 Days

Free SSTP VPN Singapore 230

Server SSTP VPN Singapore 230

Account SSTP VPN 7 Days

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Free L2TP/IPsec Singapore 230

This is a Free L2TP/IPsec server with a server location in Singapore , if you use this VPN server from a Singapore country then your ip address will change to the location of the country's server and this can change the original IP of your location in surfing the internet later making it located in Singapore .

Free SSTP Singapore 230

The location of the Singapore VPN SSTP server you use can slightly affect the speed of your internet connection. When talking about speed you can make sure that the country location of the server is near your current location because this affects your internet speed based on how far away the server is.

Located VPS Singapore 230

The location of the VPS server for this VPN connection is in the country of Singapore which has a pretty good connection to be used as a tunneling connection because the country's infrastructure is already a developed country and makes it the most stable VPS server for its internet connection.

No DDOS No Fraud No Hacking No Spam

We provide a free L2TP/IPsec VPN account with a certain active period but for bandwidth speed we do not provide any limitations so that you can experience the speed of our free VPN account to the fullest, you can create an L2TP/IPsec account for yourself or a client at any time on the site. we.
We are here for those of you who need a free L2TP/IPsec VPN server, of course, by providing this free VPN, you can understand how our work is fully for your internet connection freedom, We hope you understand and can work well together.
We are SSTP VPN free account provider, SSTP is a VPN protocol developed by Microsoft Corporation. It implements PPP over HTTPS (SSL). It capsules all user packets on TCP. So it can pass through the firewall easily and SSTP configuration is very easy.
Configuring the L2TP/IPsec Client is more difficult than the SoftEther VPN Client.

If you are using Windows, it is recommended to use SoftEther VPN Client as it is very easy to configure and stable. The SoftEther VPN client can display a list of currently running VPN Gateway Servers on the software screen.

Server Detail SG1 TP

Create Account

Please create your account to continue.

Show password

How to use L2TP/IPsec SSTP VPN?

Here is a little tutorial that might help you

  • Go to Settings menu -> More -> VPN (Settings -> More -> VPN)
  • Please click the (+) button to add a new VPN profile configuration
  • Please enter the account that you have created on the L2TP/IPsec service provider site or on our website, adjust the VPN IP address, username, and password to the one you created on our VPN site jagoanssh.com
  • Enter the IPSec pre-shared key : jawaanssh.com (all lowercase letters for L2TP VPN accounts on our site jagoanssh.com)
  • Click Ok -> Connect by sliding the toggle.
    Congratulations, you have successfully used L2TP/IPsec on your Android
  • Please go to the search menu on your windows, and type in the search with the keyword "VPN"
  • Click add new VPN connection on the page to add your new VPN profile.
  • Fill in the vpn name for the new profile, vpn server gateway, l2tp key, vpn user and password then click save
  • Enter the IPSec pre-shared key : jawaanssh.com (all lowercase letters for L2TP VPN accounts on our site jagoanssh.com)
  • Click Connect to start connecting your VPN
    Congratulations, now you have successfully used L2TP/IPsec on your windows
  • Login to the Mikrotik Router that will be used as an L2TP Client.
  • Go to PPP menu --> Interface tab --> add L2TP Client Interface.
  • Fill in the Connect To parameter: IP Address / L2TP VPN server domain hoset -> Enter User and Password -> Check Use IPsec -> Fill in the IPsec Secret according to L2TP VPN on your account -> click apply and OK.

  • Check if the L2TP/IPsec connection is connected.

    Go to the PPP menu -> Interface -> Make sure the interface has an R (Running) sign and the Status interface is Connected.

    Benefits of using SSH Tunnel and VPN Tunnel

    Here are some advantages of using SSH Tunnel or VPN Tunnel.

    In secret (confidentiality)

    By using a public network that controls data, SSH / VPN technology uses a work system by encrypting all data that passes through it.

    With the encryption technology, data confidentiality can be more controlled.

    Although there are parties who can tap data that passes over the internet in addition to the SSH / VPN line itself, but not necessarily able to read the data, because the data has been scrambled.

    By implementing this encryption system, no one can access and read the data network contents easily.

    Integrity Data (Data Integrity)

    When passing through the internet network, the data actually runs very far past various countries.

    During the trip, various disturbances could occur in its contents, lost, damaged, manipulated by people who could not be moved.

    In SSH / VPN technology is needed that can maintain the integrity of the data starting from the data sent until the data reaches the destination.

    Source Authentication (Authentication Origin)

    SSH / VPN technology has the ability to authenticate sending data sources to be received. SSH / VPN will check all incoming data and retrieve information from the data source.

    Then, the address of the data source will be successfully completed, the authentication process was successful.

    Thus, SSH / VPN guarantees all data sent and received from the source received. No data is falsified or sent by other parties.